Salam dan Selamat pagi Isnin.
Terima kasih tak terhingga buat semua followers2x i di belog cikodot nih :) Walaupun followers i tak beribu beriban kan? but still terharu coz i baru je aktif berbelogging ni lebih kurang hampir 4 bulan saje. Dan Followers tiap hari meningkat, Alhamdulillah. I bersyukur. Maknanye penulisan i yg ntah ape ape nih diminati gak ye? hihihihihi.
Dalam diam tak diam hari ni i dh 2 tahun bergelar tunangan kepada Encik Sepet i tuh. Well, Happy Anniversary my dear fiance. Love u soooo much! Wlaupun orang ckp jgn bertunang lame2 sgt, but i pun if can tak nk lah berlanjutan lelama cmnie kan? Dugaan tu yg buat i takot. I dn my fiance akan berusaha bersungguh2x utk merealisasikan impian kami disatukan secepatnye. :) Doa2xkanlah ye. I pun sebenarnye bukan tak ready nk get married, but, u know u MUST had a very-very strong economical status before u step into the next stage. Preparation for wedding especially majlis kawen sendiri, SGT2x lah mencabar.
Dah, i malas nk ulas lanjut pasal wedding preparation here. But, for today i would like to updating my blog about vintage style for decorating yours centerpiece. Hehehehehe. I really in love with vintage. When talking about vintage things, i become sooooo excited dude! Heyy, i keep on thinking all things about vintages. Then, i wish and dream about my own wedding vintage style.. How lah kan? rupe majlis perkahwinan ala-ala vintage tuh? Tp mesti tak dpt nk tandingi Puan Ann and her hubby, Ash tu. Theirs vintage wedding so gorgeous! LOL :) really outstanding.
So, when talking about decoration for your centerpiece, mesti nk yg simple yet outstanding kan? so, u must be soooo excited about this kan? So, i pun dh dpt sikit gambar2x tentang decoration ala-ala vintage nih. Sgt cantik tau. So, boleh la kan u olls sume cedok sikit idea. :)
Terima kasih lagi sekali buat Mrs Google yg cantik tuh.
Byk sumber inspirasi kat situ :)
Dan kepada dear all my followers, once again, thanks you very much for reading my blog. And follow my blog. Disamping itu, ingin i inform u all yg i ni tak pandai nk buat tutorial bagai, or buat contest jauh sekali Giveaway hadiah2x meletops, but my blog more to creating some ideas and also giving u all some things value especially about wedding preparation or any of it. Dan i pun nk tegaskan disini, ini BUKAN belog kawen-kawen. But my own personal blog but not too confidential blog :) LOL.
U enjoy the pics okeh :)
Berehat Sebentar : I dah ade hadiah for HIM :)
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