Si Sepet Dan Si Manis

Si Sepet Dan Si Manis

Monday, October 31, 2011


Salam dan Selamat Hari ISNIN :)
Ape kabar uols sume?? Especially to b2be sekalian. Mesti bz ngan survey dan jugak preparation for your own wedding. Hmmm, anyway Monday blues again. Asal hari isnin je mulelah bermalas-malasan kan? Biase lah tu. Permulaan hari  mmg cmtu.
By the way hari ni dah 31st Oct, how fast mase berlari kan? Dah end of the month. Esok adalah bulan November. Yes, it’s nov girls. Meaning tak lame lagi dah masuk tahun 2012. Haiisshhh.. kejapnye mase berjalan. Sometime I’m thinking I want to be young again. How about 17 years young forever?
I wish for that. Hehehehehe. I know, I know that impossible. BUT, verangan kan boleh. Tak perlu bayar pun. Just use your imagination. Pffttt… I benci bile tiba tahun baru. Cos I know that my age will bertambah 1 tahun lagi. Then, I malas gile kot nk menjawab soalan-soalan lazim dari orang-orang sekeliling.
U kNow that when we are in engagement stage, soalan WAJIB bakal  ditanya tentulah, Bile nk kawen? Jgn lama-lama sgt tak elok. Cepat lah kawen, tunggu ape lagi? Ala, kawen buat simple-simple je, tak yah membazir. Cepatlah kawen, jgn tunggu lama-lame nanti umo meningkat. And bla..bla…bla.. etc.. hmmm, I know that is normal question kan? BUT, for those yg tak de di peringkat alam pertunangan, uols tak kan tahu what is my feeling right? Yes, I know tak elok tunang lame-lame, or what so and so…. But did you know that actually yg nk kawen tu adalah I ? Diri kita sendiri??? And for me, I still not ready yet, bukan bermaksud nk melambat-lambatkan benda yg baik.
Tapi, if I dah prepared sumenye, of course lah I nk cepatkan lagi majlis ni. BUT,  everybody kena phm yg nk lalui semua ni is my own self. OUR SELF! So, please don’t keep arguing and question me about the same thing. I feel fed up lah. Bukan nk emo atau marah katsini, seriously I  dah pendam lame benda ni, and today I nk share ngan uols especially b2be kat luar sane tu ape yg I rase.

Okeh, let me give uols some reason about my lateness plan to getting married:
- I just working at new company and still not received any confirmation letter because I worked here about almost 2 month.
- I need to be sure that my saving is MORE THAN ENOUGH to buy everything for my own wedding ceremony. I bukan berlagak tak nk terima or mintak bantuan dari my family, but I pun nk bertanggungjawab utk mengeluarkan belanja sendiri for my wedding.
- I think I kena byk belajar about hal rumahtangga ni because I still at the learning process.
- I need a TIME. For me my self to plan all this wedding thingy.
- MOST important thing, I’M A BRIDETOBE ON BUDGET. Please NOTE. End of story.
Hmm, tu jelah kot yg I nk share ngan uols kat luar sane. See, bukan I nk melambat-lambatkan benda baik. KALAU ikutkan I, last year lagi I dah kawen. But, again I have to make sure all things are done properly and ready. I think maybe my mind and instinct still mcm childish. My mom always said that I ni still budak-budak lagi dan tak ready nk kawen. But you know when the time is right and come soon, when u look at those all Childs or babies, your instinct really strong and hati mcm meronta-ronta always think about getting your own baby :) Ini sume pendapat I lah. Tak tahu pun betol ke tak?
So, today I dah share ngan uols the MAIN REASON is about my lateness for getting married. Be prepared is my PRIORITY. For those still tnya I pasal wedding ceremony after this, I will answer with, InsyaAllah, I’m preparing it by my own self now, if everything DONE, I will invite uols and MAKE SURE that I sendiri yg hantar kad undangan  :) With a BIG SMILE.
Hmm, soorrryy for the long entries today. I just sharing my feeling and thought. Please understand me. Thanks for dropping by and read my blog.

Will update later honeyS.

Take care always.

Love, Lurve, and hugs,


 Berehat Sebentar : Saving is make me HEADACHE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sakit kepala juga pk mcm2 kan :)